Persian Cat Colors

two black russian terriers

Persians, with their glamorous coats and also open pansy-like faces, are the most desirable in all types of cats. Their pleasant, mild, personalities mix right into the majority of families once they really feel protected in their brand-new setting. Animals of behavior, they will feel most at home in an environment where they feel protected as well as tranquility. However with love and also confidence, can quickly adjust to one of the most energetic of families.

Their peaceful, sweet-sounding meows are positive as well as non-abrasive. They connect fantastically with their huge meaningful eyes and also make captivating animals for every age. Persians have thickboned legs to sustain their wide, thick bodies. They love having their feet strongly grounded are not the biggest fans of jumping or climbing like other cats.

Persians are significantly receptive and also end up being a continuous resource of happiness and also pleasure to their owners. Pleasant as an unanticipated sunbeam, their friendship is close and also long-lasting.

Different Persian Cat Colors

  • WHITE:
  • pure glistening white. Nose leather and paw pads: pink. Eye color: deep blue or brilliant copper. Odd-eyed whites shall have one blue and one copper eye with equal color depth.

  • BLUE:
  • blue, lighter shade preferred, one level tone from nose to tip of tail. Sound to the roots. A sound darker shade is more acceptable than an unsound lighter shade. Nose leather and paw pads: blue. Eye color: brilliant copper.

  • BLACK:
  • dense coal black, sound from roots to tip of fur. Free from any tinge of rust on tips or smoke undercoat. Nose leather: black. Paw pads: black or brown. Eye color: brilliant copper.
  • RED:
  • deep, rich, clear, brilliant red; without shading, markings, or ticking. Lips and chin the same color as coat. Nose leather and paw pads: brick red. Eye color: brilliant copper.
  • CREAM:
  • one level shade of buff cream, without markings. Sound to the roots. Lighter shades preferred. Nose leather and paw pads: pink. Eye color: brilliant copper.
  • rich, warm chocolate-brown, sound from roots to tip of fur. Nose leather: brown. Paw pads: cinnamon-pink. Eye color: brilliant copper.
  • LILAC:
  • rich, warm lavender with a pinkish tone, sound and even throughout. Nose leather: lavender. Paw pads: pink. Eye color: brilliant copper.

Silver and Golden Division Colors

CHINCHILLA SILVER: undercoat pure white. Coat on back, flanks, head, and tail sufficiently tipped with black to give the characteristic sparkling silver appearance. Legs may be slightly shaded with tipping. Chin, ear tufts, stomach, and chest, pure white. Rims of eyes, lips, and nose outlined with black. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black. Eye color: green or blue-green. Disqualify for incorrect eye color, incorrect eye color being copper, yellow, gold, amber, or any color other than green or blue-green. SHADED SILVER: undercoat white with a mantle of black tipping shading down from sides, face, and tail from dark on the ridge to white on the chin, chest, stomach, and under the tail. Legs to be the same tone as the face. The general effect to be much darker than a chinchilla. Rims of eyes, lips, and nose outlined with black. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black. Eye color: green or blue-green. Disqualify for incorrect eye color, incorrect eye color being copper, yellow, gold, amber, or any color other than green or blue-green. CHINCHILLA GOLDEN: undercoat pale honey to bright apricot. Coat on back, flanks, head, and tail sufficiently tipped with black to enhance a golden appearance. Legs and end of tail may be shaded with tipping. Chin, ear tufts, stomach, and chest, consistent dilute color, much lighter in tone than the undercoat color. The general effect is lighter than a shaded golden due to less tipping. Rims of eyes, lips, and nose outlined with black. Nose leather: rose. Paw pads: black. Eye color: green or blue-green. Disqualify for incorrect eye color, incorrect eye color being copper, yellow, gold, amber, or any color other than green or blue-green. SHADED GOLDEN: undercoat pale honey to bright apricot with a mantle of black tipping shading down from the sides, face, head and tail. Legs to be the same tone as the face. Ear tufts, chin, chest, stomach and underside of the tail, consistent dilute color, much lighter in tone than the undercoat. The general effect is darker than a chinchilla golden due to more tipping. Rims of eyes, lips, and nose outlined with black. Nose leather: rose. Paw pads: black. Eye color: green or blue-green. Disqualify for incorrect eye color, incorrect eye color being copper, yellow, gold, amber, or any color other than green or blue-green.

Shaded and Smoke Division Colors

SHELL CAMEO (Red Chinchilla): undercoat white, the coat on the back, flanks, head and tail to be lightly tipped with red. Face and legs may be lightly shaded with tipping. Frill, ear tufts, stomach and chest, white. Nose leather, rim of eyes and paw pads: rose pink. Eye color: brilliant copper. SHADED CAMEO (Red Shaded): undercoat white with a mantle of red shading down the sides, face and tail. Frill, ear tufts, stomach and chest, white. Face and legs may be a deeper shading. The general effect to be much redder than the shell cameo. Nose leather, rims of eyes and paw pads: rose pink. Eye color: brilliant copper. SHELL CREAM (Cream Chinchilla): undercoat white, the coat on the back, flanks, head and tail to be lightly tipped with cream. Face and legs may be lightly shaded with tipping. Frill, ear tufts, stomach and chest, white. Nose leather, rims of eyes and paw pads: rose pink. Eye color: brilliant copper. SHADED CREAM (Cream Shaded): undercoat white with a mantle of cream shading down the sides, face and tail. Frill, ear tufts, stomach and chest, white. Face and legs may be a deeper shading. The general effect to be darker than a shell cream. Nose leather, rims of eyes and paw pads: rose pink. Eye color: brilliant copper. SHELL TORTOISESHELL: undercoat white. The coat on the back, flanks and tail to be lightly tipped with black and shades of red. Face and legs may be lightly shaded with tipping. Frill, ear tufts, stomach and chest, white to lightly tipped. Nose leather, rims of eyes and paw pads: rose pink to black, may be patched. Eye color: brilliant copper. SHADED TORTOISESHELL: undercoat white. Mantle of black and red shading down the sides, face and tail. Frill, ear tufts, stomach and chest, white to lightly tipped. The general effect to be much darker than the shell tortoiseshell. Nose leather, rims of eyes and paw pads: rose pink to black, may be patched. Eye color: brilliant copper. SHELL BLUE-CREAM: undercoat white. The coat on the back, flanks and tail to be lightly tipped with blue and cream. Face and legs may be lightly shaded with tipping. Frill, ear tufts, stomach and chest, white to lightly tipped. Nose leather, rims of eyes and paw pads: rose pink to blue, may be patched. Eye color: brilliant copper. SHADED BLUE-CREAM: undercoat white. Mantle of blue and cream shading down the sides, face and tail. Frill, ear tufts, stomach and chest, white to lightly tipped. The general effect to be much darker than the shell blue-cream. Nose leather, rims of eyes and paw pads: rose pink to blue, may be patched. Eye color: brilliant copper. NOTE: during seasonal coat color changes on both kittens and adults, the "reverse" color on the kitten or adult is to be considered a NORMAL coat color change. At the root it may appear that the primary smoke color turns white a short distance up the hair shaft and then reverts back to the primary color. The tipping during this coat color phase may consume most of the hair shaft with only minimal white color deep in the coat. BLACK SMOKE: undercoat white, deeply tipped with black. Cat in repose appears black. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Face, legs and tail, black with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may be seen only when fur is parted. White frill and ear tufts. Nose leather and paw pads: black. Eye color: brilliant copper. BLUE SMOKE: undercoat white, deeply tipped with blue. Cat in repose appears blue. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Face, legs and tail, blue with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may be seen only when fur is parted. White frill and ear tufts. Nose leather and paw pads: blue. Eye color: brilliant copper. CREAM SMOKE: undercoat white, deeply tipped with cream. Cat in repose appears cream. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Face, legs and tail, cream with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may be seen only when fur is parted. White frill and ear tufts. Nose leather and paw pads: pink. Eye color: brilliant copper. RED SMOKE: undercoat white, deeply tipped with red. Cat in repose appears red. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Face, legs and tail, red with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may only be seen when hair is parted. White frill and ear tufts. Nose leather, rims of eyes and paw pads: rose. Eye color: brilliant copper. TORTOISESHELL SMOKE: white undercoat, deeply tipped with black, red and shades of red. Cat in repose appears tortoiseshell. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Face, legs and tail, tortoiseshell pattern with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may only be seen when hair is parted. White frill and ear tufts. Nose leather and paw pads: rose pink or black, may be patched. Eye color: brilliant copper. BLUE-CREAM SMOKE: white undercoat, deeply tipped with blue and cream. Cat in repose appears blue-cream. In motion the white undercoat is clearly apparent. Face, legs and tail, blue-cream pattern with narrow band of white at base of hairs next to skin which may only be seen when hair is parted. White frill and ear tufts. Nose leather and paw pads: rose pink or blue, may be patched. Eye color: brilliant copper.

Tabby Division Colors

CLASSIC TABBY PATTERN: markings dense, clearly defined, and broad. Legs evenly barred with bracelets coming up to meet the body markings. Tail evenly ringed. Several unbroken necklaces on neck and upper chest, the more the better. Frown marks on forehead form an intricate letter "M." Unbroken line runs back from outer corner of eye. Swirls on cheeks. Vertical lines over back of head extend to shoulder markings which are in the shape of a butterfly with both upper and lower wings distinctly outlined and marked with dots inside outline. Back markings consist of a vertical line down the spine from butterfly to tail with a vertical stripe paralleling it on each side, the three stripes well separated by stripes of the ground color. Large solid blotch on each side to be encircled by one or more unbroken rings. Side markings should be the same on both sides. Double vertical rows of buttons on chest and stomach. MACKEREL TABBY PATTERN: markings dense, clearly defined, and all narrow pencillings. Legs evenly barred with narrow bracelets coming up to meet the body markings. Tail barred. Necklaces on neck and chest distinct, like so many chains. Head barred with an "M" on the forehead. Unbroken lines running back from the eyes. Lines running down the head to meet the shoulders. Spine lines run together to form a narrow saddle. Narrow pencillings run around body. SILVER TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color pale, clear silver. Markings dense black. Undercoat white. Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black. Eye color: green, hazel, or brilliant copper. SILVER PATCHED TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color pale silver. Markings of dense black. Patches of red or softly intermingled areas of red on both body and extremities. Undercoat white. Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black and/or brick red. Eye color: green, hazel, or brilliant copper. BLUE-SILVER TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color pale bluish silver. Markings sound blue. Undercoat white. Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. Nose leather: blue or old rose trimmed with blue. Paw pads: blue or old rose. Eye color: green, hazel, or brilliant copper. BLUE-SILVER PATCHED TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color pale bluish silver. Markings sound blue. Patches of cream or softly intermingled areas of cream on both body and extremities. Undercoat white. Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. Nose leather: blue or old rose trimmed with blue and/or pink. Paw pads: blue or old rose and/or pink. Eye color: green, hazel or brilliant copper. RED TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color red. Markings deep, rich red. Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. Nose leather and paw pads: brick red. Eye color: brilliant copper. BROWN TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color brilliant coppery brown. Markings dense black. Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. Back of leg black from paw to heel. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black or brown. Eye color: brilliant copper. BROWN PATCHED TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color brilliant coppery brown. Markings of dense black. Patches of red or softly intermingled areas of red on both body and extremities. Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. Nose leather: brick red. Paw pads: black and/or brick red. Eye color: brilliant copper. BLUE TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color, including lips and chin, pale bluish ivory. Markings a very deep blue affording a good contrast with ground color. Warm fawn overtones or patina over the whole. Nose leather: old rose. Paw pads: rose. Eye color: brilliant copper. BLUE PATCHED TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color pale bluish ivory. Markings of very deep blue affording a good contrast with ground color. Patches of cream or softly intermingled areas of cream on both body and extremities. Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. Warm fawn overtones or patina over the whole. Nose leather: old rose and/or pink. Paw pads: rose and/or pink. Eye color: brilliant copper. CREAM TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color pale cream. Markings of buff or cream sufficiently darker than the ground color to afford good contrast, but remaining within the dilute color range. Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. Nose leather and paw pads: pink. Eye color: brilliant copper. CAMEO TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color off-white. Markings red. Undercoat white. Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. Nose leather and paw pads: pink. Eye Color: brilliant copper. CREAM SILVER TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color off-white. Markings cream. Undercoat white. Lips and chin the same shade as the rings around the eyes. Nose leather and paw pads: pink. Eye color: brilliant copper. CHOCOLATE TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color milk chocolate. Tabby markings a deep, dark chocolate affording sufficient contrast with ground color. Lips and chin the same shade as rings around the eyes. Nose leather: brown and/or brick red. Paw pads: brick red to cinnamon-pink. Eye color: brilliant copper. CHOCOLATE PATCHED TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color milk chocolate. Tabby markings a deep, dark chocolate affording sufficient contrast with ground color with patches or softly intermingled areas of red. Lips and chin the same color as rings around the eyes. Nose leather: brown, brick red and/or cinnamon pink. Paw pads: brick red, cinnamon pink and/or coral. Eye color: brilliant copper. LILAC TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color pale frosty lavender with a pinkish patina. Tabby markings a darker lavender affording sufficient contrast with ground color. Lips and chin the same color as rings around the eyes. Nose leather: lavender. Paw pads: pink. Eye color: brilliant copper. LILAC PATCHED TABBY (classic, mackerel): ground color pale frosty lavender with a pinkish patina. Tabby markings a darker lavender affording sufficient contrast with ground color with patches or softly intermingled areas of cream. Lips and chin the same color as rings around the eyes. Nose leather: lavender and/or pink. Paw pads: lavender pink and or pink. Eye color: brilliant copper.

Parti-Color Division Colors

TORTOISESHELL: black with patches of red or softly intermingled areas of red on both body and extremities. Presence of several shades of red acceptable. Nose leather and paw pads: black and/or brick red. Eye color: brilliant copper. BLUE-CREAM: blue with patches of cream or softly intermingled areas of cream on both body and extremities. Lighter shades preferred. Nose leather and paw pads: blue and/or pink. Eye color: brilliant copper. CHOCOLATE TORTOISESHELL: rich, warm chocolate brown with patches of red or softly intermingled areas of red on both body and extremities. Presence of several shades of red acceptable. Nose leather: brown, brick red and/or pink. Paw pads: brick red, cinnamon pink and/or pink. Eye Color: brilliant copper. LILAC-CREAM: rich, warm pinkish toned lavender with patches of cream or softly intermingled areas of cream on both body and extremities. Nose leather: lavender, lavender pink and/or pink. Paw pads: lavender pink and/or pink. Eye Color: brilliant copper.

Calico and Bi-Color Division Colors

EYE COLOR: brilliant copper, blue or odd-eyed, with noted exception. Odd-eyed bi-colors shall have one blue and one copper eye with equal color depth. EXCEPTION: silver tabby and white, silver patched tabby and white, blue silver tabby and white and blue silver patched tabby and white may also have green or hazel eye color. These colors in odd-eyed shall have one blue and one green, hazel or brilliant copper eye with equal color depth. CALICO: a tri-color cat of black, red and white. The red and the black should appear as clear, unbrindled patches. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. DILUTE CALICO: a tri-color cat of blue, cream and white. The cream and the blue should appear as clear, unbrindled patches. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. CHOCOLATE CALICO: a tri-color cat of chocolate, red and white. The red and the chocolate should appear as clear, unbrindled patches. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. LILAC CALICO: A tri-color cat of lilac, cream and white. The lilac and the cream should appear as clear, unbrindled patches. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. BI-COLOR: black and white, blue and white, red and white, cream and white, chocolate and white, or lilac and white. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest, and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. CALICO SMOKE: a tri-color cat of black, red and white. The black and the red should appear as clear, unbrindled patches with a white undercoat. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. DILUTE CALICO SMOKE: a tri-color cat of blue, cream and white. The blue and the cream should appear as clear, unbrindled patches with a white undercoat. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. CHOCOLATE CALICO SMOKE: a tri-color cat of chocolate, red and white. The chocolate and the red should appear as clear, unbrindled patches with a white undercoat. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. LILAC CALICO SMOKE: a tri-color cat of lilac, cream and white. The lilac and the cream should appear as clear, unbrindled patches with a white undercoat. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. SHELL CAMEO AND WHITE, SHELL CREAM AND WHITE, SHELL CALICO, SHELL DILUTE CALICO, SHELL CHOCOLATE CALICO, SHELL LILAC CALICO: a bi-colored or tri-colored cat of white and colored portions, the colored portions of the cat to conform to the currently established shell color description. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. SHADED CAMEO AND WHITE, SHADED CREAM AND WHITE, SHADED CALICO, SHADED DILUTE CALICO, SHADED CHOCOLATE CALICO, SHADED LILAC CALICO: a bi-colored or tri-colored cat of white and colored portions, the colored portions of the cat to conform to the currently established shaded color description. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. RED TABBY AND WHITE (classic, mackerel): a cat of white and colored portions, the colored portions to conform to the currently established red tabby standard. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. BROWN TABBY AND WHITE (classic, mackerel): a cat of white and colored portions, the colored portions to conform to the currently established brown tabby standard. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. PATCHED TABBY AND WHITE (classic, mackerel): a cat of white and colored portions, the colored portions to conform to the currently established patched tabby color description. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately. OTHER TABBY AND WHITE (classic, mackerel): a cat of white and colored portions, the colored portions of the cat to conform to the currently established classic and mackerel color standards (with the exception of red, brown and patched tabby) color description. As a preferred minimum, the cat should have white feet, legs, undersides, chest and muzzle. Less white than this minimum should be penalized proportionately.